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2024-2025 PAU University Catalog

Graduate Grading Policy

Each hour of academic work taken for credit in the university is evaluated in terms of its relative quality, as shown by the grade received in the course. The various grades and their corresponding quality points are (click on Graduate Grading Policy bar to expand table and click on it again to collapse table):

Grade Descriptor Quality Points
A+* Awarded for extraordinary excellence 4.0 quality points for each hour of credit.
A    Awarded for excellent performance 4.0 quality points for each hour of credit.
A-   Awarded for very good performance 3.7 quality points for each hour of credit.
B+  Awarded for good performance 3.3 quality points for each hour of credit.
B    Awarded for average performance 3.0 quality points for each hour of credit.
B-   Awarded for below average but acceptable performance 2.67 quality points for each hour of credit.
F    is given for Failing 0 quality points and no credit.
Incomplete (I) given in extenuating circumstances only 0 quality points and no credit until resolved.
Withdraw (W) Withdraws from class after add/drop period 0 quality points and no credit.

*Counseling Department does not award A+

These grades become official transcript notations at the end of each quarter. Pass/fail grades are assigned in non-didactic courses such as field practicum, dissertation research, and internship, and may be assigned in other courses as well. PAU does not currently have an institutional grading policy. Each of the programs house their own grading policy

Requirements for Passing Grades:

Attendance and Work Requirements: Instructors take attendance for each class meeting and are required to take attendance in all PAU classes for the first 2 weeks of Fall quarter each year for the “census date,” reported annually to WASC and the Digest of Education Statistics.

Graduate school is a serious commitment, so regular attendance is expected of all students in all classes. Students must attend at least 75% of the class meetings to receive a passing grade. However, individual faculty may have higher attendance requirements for specific courses. Students are responsible for anything that is scheduled in class.