Grade of Incomplete
A grade of "I" (Incomplete) may be granted to a student who is unable to complete all course requirements due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control. However, receiving an "I" grade should be considered a rare occurrence and is strongly discouraged as a general practice.
Eligibility Requirements:
To be eligible for an "I" grade, a student must:
1. Have attended at least 75% of the class meetings
2. Have satisfactorily completed 75% of the course work, as defined by the instructor
Duration and Deadlines:
- An "I" grade may be carried for a maximum of one quarter and is not extended by a leave of absence.
- If the “I” grade is not resolved by the end of the subsequent quarter, the student will receive the last earned grade.
- If the student is on a leave of absence and the “I” grade is not resolved by the end of the subsequent quarter, the student will receive the last earned grade.
The grade to clear an "I" or an extension petition must reach the Registrar's office no later than the last day of the subsequent quarter. It is the student's responsibility to ensure this deadline is met.
Extension Petition:
If a student needs more time to complete their work, they may petition for an extension by completing the Petition for Extension of an Incomplete Grade Form. The petition must specify when and how the remaining work will be completed.
Impact on Academic Standing and Financial Aid:
An "I" grade is a provisional grade that is counted as attempted but not earned and is not factored into the grade point average. However, an incomplete grade can affect a student's academic standing (e.g., advancement to candidacy, course progression, graduation) and may prevent them from participating in academic programs (e.g., internships). Additionally, incomplete grades may have financial implications, such as impacts on financial aid eligibility.
Resolving an Incomplete Grade:
Once the student has completed the remaining course work, the instructor will submit a grade change form to the Registrar's office, replacing the "I" grade with the final grade earned.