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2023-2024 PAU University Catalog

Veteran Called to Serve Policy and Process

Palo Alto University is committed to providing the highest quality services for military students and their families. It is our goal to provide a seamless transition for students attending Palo Alto University who are recalled for national and international military service and their return to the university after deployment. Palo Alto University employees realize every student’s situation is unique and dependent upon course load, financial aid status and date called to serve. To prepare for military leave, please contact the School Certifying Official to review the following process:

  • Finding online forms (Office of Accessible Education, Registrar and Financial Aid) and updating VA benefit status if applicable.
  • The student must supply orders: a memo from a commanding officer on DoD or branch of service letterhead that describe the required training or deployment and the start/end dates. For non-mandatory trainings, the student must provide documentation that describes the program.
  • Once documentation is received, the student will meet with the Office of Student Success to create a plan that ensures the student does not miss any work, projects, exams, etc.