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2023-2024 PAU University Catalog

Community (Student Handbook 4.2.2)

  1. Alcohol: No one under the age of 21 is permitted to possess, purchase, use, or be under the influence of alcohol at any time at PAU or PAU sponsored events. Students are expected to abide by all local, state, and federal laws: failure to do so is a violation of University policy. Impaired students are not permitted to be in class, interact with clients, or conduct research under any circumstances.
  2. Abuse of Technology: PAU is the licensee of many computer software packages that are protected by copyright laws. Misuse of computing facilities, software, hardware, unauthorized use of another individual’s computer account, misuse of one’s own computer account, or any violation of the policies for using computing and networking resources at Palo Alto University is prohibited.
  3. Hazing: Palo Alto University prohibits any form of hazing. Hazing is defined as any action or situation created by individuals, groups, teams, or student organizations, on or off-campus, that could cause or has the potential to result in harassment, emotional or physical abuse, harm, embarrassment, anxiety, ridicule, or the violation of a policy, no matter how positive the end result or intent. Hazing is prohibited regardless of consent, membership, or length of affiliation with an organization.
  4. Failure to Comply: Failure to comply with the reasonable direction of a university official acting within their job responsibilities is prohibited. Failure to comply with any assigned sanctions resulting from PAU’s student conduct system is also a violation of this policy.
  5. Disorderly Conduct: Disruption of the educational or administrative process at PAU is prohibited.
  6. Vandalism: The physical abuse or destruction of PAU property and/or property at one of our partner locations is prohibited.
  7. Harassing, Abusive, Threatening, and/or Bullying Behaviors: Harassing, abusive, threatening, and/or bullying behavior of PAU community members, including but not limited to other students and employees of the university (and their family members) is prohibited. Any conduct that threatens or endangers the physical, mental, and/or emotional health and safety of a member of the University community, on or off University property, or at a University-sponsored or supervised activity is considered abusive or threatening behavior.
    1. Verbal: includes, but is not limited to, threats, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying made in person, over the phone, left on voicemail, and/or by other electronic means.
    2. Physical: includes, but is not limited to, assault, battery, fighting, false imprisonment, coercion, hazing, stalking, prohibiting a person from freely entering or departing a room or event through physical force or the presence or otherwise confining a person, any unwanted physical contact between individuals, and/or attempts of physical threat
    3. Written: includes, but is not limited to, online messaging, internet usage, email, cell phone/texting, social media, letters, signs, banners, clothing, and/or graffiti
    4. Retaliation: includes, but is not limited to, blackmail and/or action taken against another member of the community who has been identified as a complainant, victim, witness, or University representative alleging misconduct
    5. Implied threats: includes, but is not limited to, gestures, taunting comments, and/or any behaviors that create a threatening environment, including threats against the University and/or its property
  8. Criminal Violations and Arrest Notification: Violation of any local, state, or federal criminal code on- or off-campus is prohibited. Behaviors and violations off-campus are referred to PAU’s student conduct system at the discretion of the University administration. Students accused, arrested for, or convicted of any misdemeanor, felony, or sexual offense must notify the Office of Student Success of their status within 48 hours after their release from jail and/or a judgment, or at the time of enrollment into the University, whichever comes first. Failure to do so is a violation of Palo Alto University policy.
  9. Emergency/Fire Equipment & Procedures: Students are prohibited from the misuse of, vandalism to, and/or tampering with fire and emergency equipment, including but not limited to, fire extinguishers, alarms, hoses, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, AED devices, safety/emergency vehicles and property, and/or video surveillance equipment. Falsely reporting a fire, bomb threat, or other emergency is also a violation of this policy. In the event of an emergency or drill, students must follow the directives of University officials and/or emergency personnel. Knowingly setting fire (arson), unintentionally setting fire, and intentionally setting off the fire alarm when there is no emergency is also strictly prohibited.
  10. Theft: Theft or attempted theft, unauthorized possession, misuse, or wrongful appropriation of property, or sale of property not belonging to oneself is strictly prohibited.
  11. Drugs and Illegal Substances: The possession or sale of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited at PAU. In addition, students are not permitted to be under the influence of illegal drugs at any time on PAU property and/or during PAU activities. Impaired students, whether legally prescribed medication that alters mental status or illegal drugs, are not permitted to attend class, interact with clients, or conduct research under any circumstances.
  12. Recordings: It is prohibited to videotape, audio record, or take pictures of persons using any current or future technologies without their knowledge and/or consent when there is a reasonable expectation of privacy and/or confidentiality.
  13. Sexual Misconduct: Palo Alto University is committed to maintaining its campuses and programs free from all forms of sexual misconduct. All forms of sexual misconduct are prohibited, including sexual and gender-related: violence, assault, harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Palo Alto University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, in its entirety, can be found here: palo-alto-university-sexual-misconduct-policy
  14. Weapons: Possession of weapons and weapon replicas, including but not limited to, firearms, BB guns, air guns, knives, swords, machetes, blow darts, spears, compound bows/arrows, Tasers, brass knuckles, slingshots, martial arts devices, dangerous chemicals, incendiary devices, ammunition or other explosive substances including fireworks is prohibited and banned from University property and University-sponsored events.
  15. Lewd Behavior: Lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior is not permitted.
  16. Solicitation: Solicitation of and by students, student organizations, faculty, and staff for money, goods, or services without written authorization from the Office of Student Success is prohibited.
  17. Animals: Animals/pets are not permitted on any PAU campus, with the exception of service animals registered with the Office of Accessible Education and emotional support animals that have been approved by Human Resources as it relates to PAU employment. Emotional support animals are only permitted for employment-related activities and are generally not permitted with other activities related to the University.
  18. Smoking/Tobacco-Free Environment: Tobacco and smoking/vaping products include, but are not limited to cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, pipes, and cigars. Except where otherwise posted as a "smoking area," the use of tobacco products is generally prohibited in outdoor areas.
  19. University Logo Use: The logo of Palo Alto University is the property of the University. It cannot be copied and used by students or student clubs and organizations except in respect to an official University function and if approval for the specific use is requested of and approved by External Affairs.
  20. Breach of Confidentiality/Honor Code: In line with the ethical standards in the fields of counseling and psychology, PAU may require a signed confidentiality agreement to carry out certain student employment roles, a signed exam proctoring agreement or any other document requiring confidentiality or maintaining ethical standards, including, but not limited to an honor code, and if breached, may be cause for disciplinary action.