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2023-2024 PAU University Catalog

Grade of Incomplete

An “I” (Incomplete) is given in a course when the student is unable to completely fulfill the requirements during the quarter due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control. Though an occasional “I” (Incomplete) may be taken, it is strongly discouraged as a general practice.

For an “I” (Incomplete) to be given, a student must have been in attendance for at least 75% of the class meetings, must have satisfactorily completed 75% of the work for the class (as defined by the instructor), and must fill out the Incomplete agreement form which requires consultation and agreement with the faculty regarding the work to be completed.

An “I” (Incomplete) grade may be carried for a maximum of one quarter, and is not extended by a leave of absence. An “F” (Failure) will automatically be given if the “I” (Incomplete) grade is not received by the end of the subsequent quarter. An “I” (Incomplete) grade is a provisional grade which is counted as attempted but not earned nor is it factored in the grade point average.

A satisfactory grade to clear an “I” (Incomplete) must reach the Registrar’s office no later than the last day of the subsequent quarter. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure this deadline is met.

A student who needs more time to complete their work may petition for an extension by completing the Petition for Extension of an Incomplete Grade Form, specifying when and how the work will be completed.

An incomplete grade can affect a student's academic standing (e.g. advance to candidacy, course progression, graduation) and can bar them from participating in academic programs (e.g. internships, etc.). Incompletes may also have financial implications.