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2023-2024 PAU University Catalog

CLIN867 Substance Use in Youth

This course has been developed in compliance with the California Business and Professions Code (Section 2914 (e)) and the California Code of Regulations Relating to the Practice of Psychology (Section 1382.4), which require that psychologists must complete a course on substance use disorder detection and treatment of no less than a quarter term in length. This course is designed to inform students about substance use disorders in definition and etiology. While the majority of the course will cover clinical assessment and treatment of substance use disorder as it relates to an adolescent or transitional age youth population, it will also cover the major topics related to the field of substance use treatment and provide some exposure and practice of clinical skills related to treatment. An overview of the models, theories, processes, strategies and issues related to substance use disorders and their treatment will be presented. Specifically, this course will a) review definition and diagnostic criteria of substance use disorder in an adolescent/transitional age youth population, b) examine the current state of SUD treatment along with evidence based treatment and current SUD treatment literature, c) present ethical and legal considerations in the diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorder, and d) provide an introduction to motivational interviewing clinical skills and brief interventions.
