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2023-2024 PAU University Catalog

CLIN715 Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

The pursuit of effective models of brief psychodynamic therapy can be understood as a quest to identify the therapeutic change mechanisms in longer-term psychodynamic therapy and the interventions that best implement them. In the first half of the quarter, we will focus on two similar empirically-supported contemporary models (McCullough, et al.'s Affect Phobia model and Fosha's Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) that grew out of the psychodynamic drive/structural tradition and learn how to work with defenses, affects, and attachment to foster change. In the second half of the quarter, we will focus on a model from the Interpersonal psychodynamic tradition (Strupp and Binder's/Levenson's Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy) and learn how to treat longstanding, maladaptive interpersonal patterns. Throughout the quarter, we will locate cultural consciousness at the heart of the modern psychodynamic approach, and we will make extensive use of clinical video showing the proponents of these models working with actual clients.
