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2023-2024 PAU University Catalog

Program Transfer Policy

Current students who wish to transfer between academic programs at Palo Alto University must first discuss their intention to transfer with a program representative. The student will then be provided a Program Transfer Form to initiate the process. Transfer to a new program is not guaranteed; admission to the new program will be assessed by program faculty based on past academic performance and program fit, and will include an interview and a review of the student's record. Students may be required to bring their student account balance to zero before being allowed to transfer programs. Due to course scheduling and limits to transfer credit, students may not be able to immediately start their new program and should be aware that differences in program requirements may extend a student’s time to graduation. Students may also be conditionally admitted to their new program, meaning additional requirements or tasks may be required of the student in order to remain enrolled.

Students should complete the form no later than eight weeks prior to their intended start date.

  • The PsyD program does not accept program transfers. Students wishing to transition to the PsyD program must apply as new students.
  • Students who will graduate from their current program before starting their new program are not eligible to use the program transfer process, and must apply as new students.
  • Students who have withdrawn from the university and wish to return to a different program should complete the Request to Return process.